

フィリピンでの英語学習 Studying English in the Philippines

 ''Can you speak English?'' と聞かれ、''A little'' だったのが''Yes''と答えられるようにはなった。


にほんブログ村 旅行ブログ 世界一周へ

世界一周ブログランキングに参加しています。「世界一周」をクリックしていただけるとランキングがあがります。旅してるとそんなことでかなり救われます。またここから世界一周のブログランキングも確認することができます。 I studied English for my trip in the Philippines for eight months. It was English all over from morning to evening everyday.
 I studied in a language school which has a large number of Koreans and Japanese for the first three months. At there, I had classes from eight in the morning till evening and I could take special classes during night time if ever I wish. Once classes are done, I used to study in a studying room or talk to Korean friends in English. During weekends, I used to go on a trip with Koreans and Filipino friends or study English at a coffee shop by myself. I hung out with Koreans and Filipinos as far as I could because I would speak Japanese if I were with Japanese. I made myself speak English even the times I talked to Japanese.
 I went to a university in the Philippines for only one semester after finishing the language school. The name of the university is San Carlos, which is supposed be oldest private university in Asia.But the university is not sure if it is the oldest in Asia, actually the university was closed for a while and it was used as another purpose in the past. The content of classes was different from Japan. It was held by students instead of teachers. Unlike the usual way which is one sided lesson of teachers, it was more focused on presenting reports from students. I studied English with tutors in my vacant times because I had only 8 classes one week.
 I can say ''yes'' instead of ''a little'' now whenever someone asks me that ''can you speak English?''