

フィリピンには優秀な人が沢山います There are a lot of brains in the Philippines



フィリピンでは安い金額で質の高いマンツーマンレッスンが受けられる。フィリピンでは小学校から英語で授業が行われるが、その為彼らのスキルはとても高い。フィリピン英語学習のいいところはなんといってもマンツーマンの時間が沢山取れるところだろう。なんでも聞けるし、自分の伸ばしたいところに集中できる環境は整っている。以前通っていた語学学校でも1日160分のマンツーマン授業があった。ちなみに費用は3ヶ月で約50万円。これは寮だったので宿泊費、食事3食(土日含む)、授業料の費用だ。それ以外には航空券、電気代、ビザ、SSP、I Cardなどがかかった。

物価に関してだが、電気代はフィリピンの物価からするとかなり高い。フィリピンの電気料金は日本を上回り、アジア域内で最高水準になったみたいだ。(参考:NNN.ASIA〜フィリピンの経済ビジネス情報 リンク アクセス日:2011/5/2)電力会社1社がほぼ独占していることと、ガスがあまり普及していないことで競合がいないことが理由らしい。



ビザは21日以内なら不要だがそれ以降は2ヶ月毎に8000円くらいかかる。上記で触れたSSPというのはSpecial Student Permitのことで、学校で勉強する場合に取得が義務づけられている。I Cardというのは外国人登録証のことで60日以上滞在する外国人は取得が義務付けられている。たしか7000円くらいかかったと思う。いろいろと面倒くさいのだ。






今、日本でもフィリピン人講師によるオンライン英会話が流行ってきてるが、ビジネスになるのも理解できる。フィリピンのマンパワービジネスはもっと拡大すると思う。大学の生徒と一緒に勉強をしたが、彼らは俺の予想をはるかに上回るくらい優秀だった。優秀な人材の受け皿がないので彼らは海外に目を向ける。これは2007年の情報だけど、出稼ぎ労働者の数は国民全体で約10人に1人、労働者全体で約4人に1人という数みたい。(参考:日経ビジネスオンライン リンク アクセス日:2011/5/2) 大学には、サウジアラビアで働くんだとエンジニアを目指す学生、アメリカでナースになるんだという学生、そんな熱意をもった学生が沢山いた。しかしフィリピン経済にとっては人材流出は大きな痛手なのかもしれない。そんな彼らが国内でしっかり働ける環境が出来てほしい。

I had another tutor except for brother Rolen. The tutor teaches English in language school. Actually she was the teacher in language school I was in. We can learn English one-on-one in the Philippines and it is good quality and cheap. Filipino use English in class from elementary school that’s why their skill is high. The goodness of studying English there is to have a lot of time to study one-on-one. We can ask anything and concentrate what we want. There was 160 minutes a day for one-on-one lesson in the language school. It took five-hundred thousands yen for three months. It includes accommodation fee, food cost (three meal a day and also weekends) and tuition fee. Air plane ticket, electric bill, visa, SSP and I-card, these were excluded from the cost.

Electric bill is very expensive in the Philippines. The cost became the most expensive in Asia. (Reference:NNN.ASIA Link The day of access:2011/5/2)One electric power company almost monopolizes the share and gas system isn’t popularized in the Philippines that’s why the cost is expensive. And it seems that electricity is lost in transport and someone often tries to steel it illegally. I heard that government passed the bill which the consumer has to pay for the thief. I had experience about it. My electric bill was usually five-hundred yen but on one occasion it was two thousands yen. It must be for a thief. I was wondering why they use air conditioner much though they must know the cost.

We don’t need to get visa to visit the Philippines within twenty-one days. We have to pay about eight thousands yen every two months when we stay over twenty-one days. SSP is Special Student Permit and we have to get it when we study in the Philippines. I-card is alien registration card and we have to get it when we stay over sixty days. It took about seven thousands yen. They are very irritating.

But I recommend to study in the Philippines. Cost of staying is cheaper than the other country like UK for studying English. I think pronunciation of English is all right. I heard it is almost standard. There are a lot of Korean there. I heard ten percent of population in Cebu is Korean. They usually study basic English in the Philippines and go English-speaking country. Some Filipino teachers go to America to teach English. They are good at grammar more than some native.

My tutor was also good teacher. She made me speak a lot. She kept creating tense atmosphere though we study in coffee shop. I wouldn’t be able to make sentences and topics well and use my brain well if we were in cozy atmosphere. Her class was very effective. I answered her question and I read article and explained about it. I asked her that I wanted to concentrate speaking so she adjusted my offer. She was strict and made me answer the same question. It was very effective because I never make same mistake. And she gave me proper expression after speaking. I could feel my improving after speaking every time I met her. And she never forgot to praise me. She was very professional. But the cost was not expensive.

The tuition fee in university was also not expensive. I heard the university I went to is one of most expensive universities in Cebu but it was twelve thousands yen for five months. But I was special student so I had to choose only three subjects. But It was nine hours for one week it was enough for me because there were a lot of things to do like preparation, review and studying by myself. There were many assignments there compared to Japanese university. I asked my tutor about them. I really recommend this style if you want to study at a low price. The quality is not bad, no, it is good.

Online English lesson from Filipino has been improving in Japan nowadays. I really understand. I guess man-powered business in the Philippines is more improving. I studied with university students and I felt they are really smart over my expectation. Some people hope to work in foreign country because it is difficult to secure well-paid employment in the Philippines. I got some information of 2007. The number of migrant worker was one out of ten among all population and one out of four among all workers. (Reference:Nikkei Business Publications Link The day of access:2011/5/2) In the university, there are a lot of people who want to be a engineer in Saudi Arabia, want to be a nurse in America and so on. It seems that the loss of brains is bad for Philippine economy. I hope they will be able to get good employment environment in their own country.


にほんブログ村 旅行ブログ 世界一周へ
