I was in Dubai for 3 days. At that time Isramic countries were during Ramazan and Dubai was also that’s why there were few tourist. Outside was really hot and I couldn’t stay for long time. I saw cars more than people there. I think the symbols of Dubai are sand, concrete and car. There are high buildings in ground surrounded with sand and road are really maintained. Meanwhile, I had to wait twice when I rode Metro and many exit were closed so I felt inconvenient. I saw many condominiums which is attached notice of occuopant. The bubble economy bursted 2 years ago and it affected people going back for their own country. I heard people left their car at parking near airport. It was not airport but I could see the cars covered sand and they were clearly left. Burj Khalifa is the highest building in the world and it is locateed in Dubai. I heard this building has many enpty room. Because of Ramazan there were few people in this town it seems to be more crowded with people on season time. I heard the effect of bubble economy burst have been more improving.
Many kind of people live in Dubai. I heard from my friend who work in Dubai that rate of people is 10% of Arab, 10% of European and 80% of Asian like Indian. At supermarket there were many Indian. Most of Asian people in Dubai seems to be Indian. There are big supermarkets and people visit by car. Customers were Indian and cashiers were Firipina. I could recognize Firipina because I lived in Cebu for 8 months. I met Nepalse also. I talked foreign worker and they everyone said that they wanted to go back to their hometown. I really could understood their feeling because I felt Dubai was like for tourist who enjoys going to sea and shopping for only a few days. Foreign worker like cashier and taxi driver can’t get good paid. I asked some woman who work as chasier and her salary was about 500 dollers a month. Taking a taxi costs about 4 dollers and eating at restaurant costs about at least 4 to 5 dollers. The paid is really less for enjoying there.
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