

イランの規律 Restriction in Iran



・デート禁止。紹介で初めて出会い気に入ったらお互いの家庭にて毎週のようにパーティーが開かれ親交を深めて行きゴールインとなるとのこと。結婚して初めて手をつなぐことができ、二人での外出も許される。しかし実際に若者の間では交際は行われている。なんか日本人の未成年者がこそこそ酒でも飲むかのようだ。自由恋愛禁止とはあまりにも可哀想だ。しかしインターネット上で若い男女が知り合うことについ て認められたとのこと。どうもおかしな話だが。














・酒は完全に禁止されている。ある日安宿に止まったときにイラン人労働者たちと仲良くなり、部屋で一緒に飯なんか作ったり、話したりして夜を過ごしたことがあった。他の国ならどう考えても酒が出てくるシチュエーションだ。宴も終盤に差し掛かりやはり酒はなしなのかと思っているとついに酒が出てきた。さくらんぼの缶詰をつまみにウイスキー。明らかに密輸されたもの。警察に捕まるからお前は飲むなといわれた。 まだまだこんなものではないだろうが、このように制限されていることが日本とは比較にならないくらい沢山ある。不満を持っている人は実際多い。


Iran is reclusive country but it’s not only international affair but also their life style is different from the other countries. I wrote my experiences and stories from Iranian.


・A date is prohibited so they can’t go out as couple. They meet their partner as introduction and they hold a party each other in their house for months, and finally they get married. After getting married they can be alone together and hold hands. But I heard some people go out in secret. It is so pitiful. Meanwhile, government allowed meeting on website, it’s very strange.


・Rest room for men was only private room everywhere.


・Iranian women held a party at park when I walked around with Russian guy I met in Iran. When I waved my hand to the Iranian women, suddenly some Iranian guy came up to me and held my back and shouted ’’get away!’’ It was illegal in this country. But some woman said hello and talked to me so I was really confused and didn’t know how to react. After this accident I avoided conversation with women.


・As you know their cloth is really restricted specially women. Women have to wear Hijab and cover their body. For checking, police go around the city. But I saw some women wore denim. This restriction is not only women but also men. Short pants are prohibited and T-shirt is also not good. I saw a girl wore a fancy T-shirt and I felt sad because they can’t wear after 10 years old, so this restriction is executed after 10 years old. But people enjoy dressing up in their house. I saw many dresses at shopping mall in Teheran. The woman I met in Shiraz showed photos of home party with smile.


・When I visited rental bicycle shop with Korean woman, the staff rejected her offer because of women. When I asked Korean woman to ask if we could take a photo with Iranian women, they rejected. There were men with the women so I heard some women hate to be taken a photo when men are there.


・I saw a lot of signboard which has Koran in Teheran.


・Alcohol is totally prohibited. One day I stayed some cheap hotel in Make, which is town near border between Iran and Turkey. I saw some Iranian workers and spent time together at their room. They cooked dinner, played card game and talked each other. This situation was really associated with alcohol. In the case of other countries, absolutely people drink in this situation. At first they didn’t drink but finally they started drinking. They drank whiskey with a can of cherry. It looked to be smuggled clearly and they said ‘’You shouldn’t drink because police will catch you.’’ A lot of things are prohibited in Iran. Many people become frustrated with this restriction actually. In case you are satisfied, please click here ↓