

親切なイラン人たち Kindness of Iranian People


旅していて道に迷うことはよくある。そんなときは地元の人に聞くのが一番手っ取り早い。人の対応の仕方はもちろんそれぞれ。ただ知らないと言う人、知らないのにあっちと適当に言う人(インド人に多い)、知らないので調べてくれる人、知っていて教えてくれる人、知っていて案内までしてくれる人。この最後の知っていて案内してくれる人というのにイランでは沢山出会った。イランの人はあまり英語を話さない。それなのに””May I help you?””というフレーズだけは知っている人が多いのに驚いた。道で地図なんか広げていれば英語喋れない人でも声をかけてきてくれる。バイクで目的地まで連れて行ってくれた人も何人かいた。アジアではよく起こること。だが金を要求されるのが当たり前である。もちろんイランでは誰も要求してこなかった。ただ親切にしてくれた。とにかく向こうから声かけてきてくれて助けようとしてくれる。バスに乗っていて自分の降りたい駅を聞いただけでも一緒に降りて目的地まで連れて行ってくれる人なんかも何人もいた。






I could find kindness of Iranian people though I stayed in Iran for only 10 days. Of course there are many people who take care of tourist but this country is much better than the other countries I visited. You can see the people many times during the day.

A tourist gets lost. Asking local people helps the situation. The reaction depends on each people. Some people just say they don’t know. Some people say the direction though they don’t know the way (especially Indian). Some people try to find the way though they don’t know the way. Some people instruct the direction. Some people bring me to the direction and I saw this kind of people much in Iran. They don’t speak English but they know the phrase ‘’May I help you?’’. They will instruct the way if you see a map on the road. Some people took me to my destination by motor bike. This kind of thing happens in Asian countries but they demand money. Of course nobody demand money in Iran. They were just kind. They tried to help me. Some people took me my destination though I just asked where I was.

Iranian people treated me food and drink. When I ate some food in restaurant, the owner said ‘’No money ok, you are from Japan’’. It was first time I ate food in restaurant for free. When I went to sweet shop, some customer said ‘’Eat this one’’ and bought it for me. They tried to treat me when I ate out with them. Many people said ‘’Come on and drink tea’’ when I just walked the street. You would be invited over 20 times if you stayed outside from morning.

Iranian people greet with good smile. I felt it was really comfortable. They said ‘’Hello, how are you? Welcome to Iran’’ with smile and waving and especially it happened in Ardab?l and Maku, which are near border between Iran and Turkey. They were really friendly. Please imagine it. Just staying was enough for filling my heart. I guess countries like Iran are very less.

Some old gentleman got into a bus when I was in the bus. There was no seat and some young man stood up quickly and escorted him to the seat. They were as if they have been together. I could find his kindness from his attitude. Unconsciously I almost cried because of his kindness from natural behavior. How could I take care of a stranger like him? I can see the situation which someone gives the seat to someone but it was totally different from this. I wouldn’t forget their face.

I visited a shoes factory when I asked the way to a toilet. We became friends though they were not able to speak English. They really tried to communicate to me. Brother work in this place invited me to their house. They treated me dinner and breakfast and they were so attentive. In this morning I went to their factory with older brother. He visited many book shops during going to work. I was wondering why he visited there a lot. It was because of Japanese conversational book.

Where is this kindness from? I was thinking during my trip in Iran. I think human beings originally treat people kindly and it is possessed by every people. Why does this affection fade away? I think it is because of desire. The more people become greedy the more people become egoist. Where is this desire from? I think it is because of information. The desire never disappears. There is a possibility that not coming to information makes Iranian people well. They accept their life and do the best though their environment is not confortable. Why don’t you visit Iran to meet people? I guess you would think about human beings so I really would like to emphasize that Iranian people are tremendously kind.

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